VIE Healthcare Guarantees Margin Improvement With Invoice ROI™

VIE Healthcare has delivered significant cost savings to hospital purchased services through our guaranteed margin improvement expertise. Our automated and patented technology reconciles thousands of line item details instantly, saving hospitals and healthcare organizations unnecessary purchased spend caused by billing errors. Not only do we find and save you money, we eliminate your manual process so you can redirect your team to work on better initiatives.

Every hospital and healthcare organization is different, and no single tool or strategy can create cost-savings solutions for all. That’s why we fully customize an approach that allows you to concentrate on your core strength: providing exceptional patient care.

We help hospitals achieve significant margin improvement through the industry’s best price benchmarking, contract analysis, data analytics and development of a thorough cost reduction strategy.

This proven, patented technology is called Invoice ROI™.

Invoice ROI™ offers invoice reconciliation, contract optimization, business intelligence and an analytics platform with real-time line item contract reconciliation and benchmarking performance provided on a monthly basis for outsourced services.

Our process begins with line item reconciliation of the past 12 to 18 months of your purchased services invoices to reveal the hidden costs in pricing errors and off-contract spend that you are not aware of. From there, our experts identify trends in utilization that can increase your costs and provide preventative advice to save your organization money. By moving straight to benchmarking prior to carrying out a line item analysis, significant cost saving opportunities are often overlooked and missed.

In some cases, up to 30% of hospital purchased spend is either off contract or has pricing errors. Only VIE Healthcare can provide your hospital with the invoice line item details.

The results achieved through Invoice ROI’s line item analysis have saved hospitals million of dollars on their purchased services spend.

Invoice ROI™ Stands For:

RECONCILIATION: Our technology allows for real-time Invoice reconciliation for outsourced purchased services.  Your invoice accuracy is matched to the contract and performed prior to the payment of invoices for real-time corrective action.

OPTIMIZATION: Using invoice line item details combined with other data inputs to identify trends, variations, quality and utilization improvement opportunities for pro-active monthly management of outsourced purchased services spend allows for significantly greater optimization of your purchased spend.

INTELLIGENCE: Our technology provides you with cost saving opportunities identified by purchased services line item in real-time and on a monthly basis providing you with the intelligence you need for predicting future spending.

Invoice ROI™ delivers guaranteed margin improvement and identifies cost saving opportunities for your hospital in real-time.

Our Vision Is To Move Our Clients To A Life Cycle Management of Their Purchased Services Spend Driven By Invoice ROI™ and The Power of Line Item Analytics

Eliminate overpayment of purchased services invoices in real-time

Automatic Invoice reconciliation monthly

Utilization reports with data that is extracted automatically for you to improve your hospital’s performance by date range

Real-time purchased services intelligence and cost savings

Every month

We guarantee your hospital is overpaying for purchased services and the details are buried in the invoice line item data that your team doesn’t have the bandwidth or technology to manage.  We can provide you with guaranteed margin improvement. 

We make our technology do the work for you. No team member training or new software installation required.

How to work with us
VIE Healthcare's simple 3 step process

Step 1

Schedule a Call

On your initial consultation call, we will want to learn about your goals and how VIE Healthcare® can support you and your team.

Step 2

We Analyze Your Data

The team at VIE Healthcare® will create a customized solution specifically focused on your hospital's needs and the outcomes you want to achieve.

Step 3

You Achieve Rapid Results

VIE Healthcare® will dedicate expertise and resources that support you and your team to become a high performing hospital.

Start our 3 Step Process

Schedule your call today

Schedule your call today.


We have been overly impressed with VIE Healthcare’s approach to our purchased service agreements. We begin with a retroactive audit of our existing agreements and reconciliation of any discrepancies and overpayments through VIE Healthcare’s Invoice ROI™ Technology. From there VIE Healthcare’s Invoice ROI™ Technology continues to review invoices regularly to help avoid any future discrepancies. VIE Healthcare® has able to identify hundreds of thousands of dollars in discrepancies. Because they analyze invoices at the line item level, VIE Healthcare® have the ability to quickly take utilization and usage trends to produce RFPs allowing us to re-negotiate new agreements resulting in further cost reductions. This includes consolidating contracts and service providers across multiple hospitals in different regions.

– Luis R. Martinez, VP Supply Chain, Cornerstone Healthcare Group

Discover 15 Effective Cost Savings Strategies That Most Hospitals Can Apply Right Now

Discover 15 Effective Cost Savings Strategies That Most Hospitals Can Apply Right Now

We are making this report FREE for a LIMITED TIME. In it you will learn how to maximize your hospital's profitability while enhancing patient care. The report includes:

  • A strategy developed from analyzing over 5,000 hospitals
  • A simple step-by-step plan in plain language
  • Proven processes to organize and motivate your team to find savings

Check your inbox and spam folder for your 15 Effective Cost Savings Strategies