Patient Journey Mapping: Front-Line Insights for Hospital Performance Improvement

by | Patient Experience Consulting, Process Improvement, VIE Healthcare Blogs

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Our new Patient Journey Mapping® service gives you the opportunity to lead the way to healthier, more satisfied patients, and set a whole new standard in patient care while lowering hospital purchased services costs.

Our team of skilled ethnographers can map your patients´ journey in a more detailed way than ever before. They go deep beneath the surface to reveal and solve complex hidden issues and discover your patients´ true needs.

This means your patients can pass through your organizational boundaries in a simpler, better coordinated way while receiving a higher level of care.

So, you can look after your patients with the utmost care, enhance your patient satisfaction, and build your hospital a reputation of excellence in patient care.

Reveals Deep and Valuable Insights in Patient Care

Until now your patients´ real needs have remained hidden, which means you´ve been unable to provide them with the level of care they really want and need. This, as well as the fact that no one oversees the whole patient journey process, means there may be a poor overall design of clinical processes and disconnections of the stages as they move across multiple care units.

We closely follow your patients´ journey from their unique perspective. From when they decide to seek your healthcare services, their interactions with your staff, the surgical process and ¨hand-offs¨ across your organizational boundaries, to when they have been discharged and have fully rehabilitated at home.

Our Patient Journey Mapping® goes a lot deeper than normal research methods:

  • We provide a holistic approach, engaging patients, their families and staff. And by using advanced ethnographic techniques of close observations and in-depth interviews we go much deeper than other research methods. With our ethnographers´ trained eyes, and extended, ¨open-ended¨ interviews we can detect tacit and unarticulated feelings to discover what your patients really need, as opposed to what they say they need. This means you can help ensure their satisfaction and set a whole new standard in patient care.
  • Our team of skilled and experienced ethnographers get to the root causes and solve problems which, until now, have remained hidden, affecting your level of care, health outcomes, and your patients and their families´ satisfaction. And could be costing you millions of dollars in lost profits.
  • We uncover deep and valuable hidden insights in your care processes and empower you with opportunities to create new and better services for your patients. This means you can enhance your patients´ satisfaction and build a reputation of excellence in patient care.
  • We engage and take advantage of your staffs´ understanding of the system to get new ideas and create innovative solutions. This means we can further enhance your delivery of care and ensure every member of staff is fully aware of their role. This helps create a culture of ownership, responsibility and accountability in your hospital.

Our Patient Journey Mapping® service harmonizes your delivery of care with your patients´ real needs, fixes dysfunctional systems and truly transforms your patients´ journey.

Transforms Care Redesign

We can diagnose and reveal your patients´ hidden issues, complications and challenges in a visual manner. This empowers you with a tool to transform your care redesign.

This offers many exciting benefits for your hospital:

  • Reveals the root causes of your hidden problems and uncovers insights to create a framework to solve them.
  • Reduces errors, duplications and delays during processes such as ¨hand-offs¨. So, patients´ journeys are quicker, smoother and less stressful.
  • Use your hospital purchased services to their full potential, reduces costs and builds a better model of care for your patients.
  • Checks how user-friendly your services are. So, you can reduce patients´ complaints and increase their satisfaction.
  • Discovers valuable front line insights and new ideas to address variations in and optimize your care delivery and operational performances.
  • Improves flow as steps in the process which don´t add any value can be identified and eliminated.
  • Eliminates blockages and reduces delays in areas such as emergency and elective care.
  • Enhances your patients, their families, and staffs´ satisfaction by revealing and resolving their pain-points and frustrations.
  • Makes patients feel involved in the process and increases trust and cooperation, as opposed to them feeling confused and helpless.
  • Uncovers opportunities to create new services for patients and their families and generate more revenue for you.
  • Combats problems and improves flow by creating seamless ¨hand-offs¨ and discovering new care redesign opportunities.
  • Helps create improvement projects to address and solve your departments´ specific needs.
  • Integrates narrow and fragmented job roles to enhance delivery of care and increase flow.
  • Reduces variations in patient care, such as doctors treating the same illness or performing the same surgery while maintaining a high quality of care.
  • Reveals communication problems and offers effective solutions, such as for patients and their families to ask questions.
  • Identifies and prioritizes areas for investment across silos and care redesign.
  • Facilitates the bundled payment model by mapping the continuum of your care process.

And with patient-driven insights proven to deliver eight times the revenue as employee ideas, our Patient Journey Mapping® service not only builds you a reputation of excellence in patient care, it also attracts new patients and grows your profit margins by potentially millions of dollars.

Reveals and Solves Problems in Patient Discharge

Patient discharge is a critical process to a patient’s journey of care and when it´s done right, with the correct instructions and follow-up, you can dramatically improve the health outcomes for your patients. However, patient discharge is a complex process which, unless done correctly, can see your patients confused about their instructions and being unnecessarily readmitted and your profit margins decreasing.

Our Patient Journey Mapping® reduces unnecessary readmissions, ensures patient discharges are done smoothly and effectively, reduces variations in care and will show you patient frustrations and challenges that do not get “seen” through surveys and rounding. Here´s how:

  • By closely following the process, we uncover and help you address issues you may not be aware of, yet could be resulting in readmissions and a loss in revenue. We help ensure your patients receive the correct instructions about their medication, and the follow up process, such as when their next appointment is, and any other relevant information.
  • We´ll provide you with insights on how to follow up on high risk patients and coordinate their care after they´ve been discharged. And so, lower their chances of being readmitted. This is also facilitated by telehealth and healthcare consulting, as we can provide you with a plan on how to maintain contact and check up on your patients without them having to visit your hospital. This means you can provide more thorough care, save time, and prioritize your care delivery more efficiently.
  • This helps you simplify what is normally a complex and rushed process. So, whether a patient being discharged is of low or high risk, you can be sure the necessary steps are in place to provide them with opportunities for the best health outcomes, lower your rates of readmissions and save money.

Become a Thought Leader in Patient Care

Until now no other service been made available to hospitals which can detail the care patients receive in such a thorough way, and get to the core of and reveal their true needs.

Once we get to the core of complex issues and reveal deep insights into your processes, you´ll be able to provide your patients with an unparalleled level of care. We ensure their journey through your hospital is an enriching one where they receive the highest level of care, while you harness your resources to their full potential and save valuable time and money.

This will help turn you into a thought leader, as you lead the way in patient care for other hospitals to eventually follow!

FREE Proof of Concept

Do you want to lead the way in patient care, enhance your patients´ satisfaction and become a thought leader in healthcare?

We´re offering a FREE Proof of Concept, valued at $12,500. This is your unique opportunity to have our team of specialists visit your hospital, investigate your patients´ journey and find and solve your biggest issue in your patient care. And it won´t cost you a cent.

So, reach out to Lisa Miller at 1-888-484-3332 Ext 501 to schedule a free, one-hour consultation. This will give you the chance to talk to our team, to tell them about your current issues and challenges and discover more about the exciting opportunities our Patient Journey Mapping® service can offer your hospital!

Please act fast! We work on a first come, first served basis, and due to time limitations, we´re only able to offer two free consultations each week!

Reserve Your Free Consultation by Emailing Lisa Miller at or call 1-888-484-3332 ext 501

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