Merchant Service – Conversations With VIE

by | May 23, 2019 | Conversations With VIE, Cost Reduction, Videos

This video was brought to you by Jacqueline Oberst and Bryan Covert.
VIE Healthcare was able to save a client over $100,000 in their merchant service fees.
Most merchant service fees don't show up on the AP spend for hospitals, so it's difficult for these healthcare organizations to identify the cost-saving opportunities. Click To Tweet
VIE Healthcare has found three specific areas where a hospital can identify costs, pricing, overpayments and errors.
1. Rates
Hospitals are able to negotiate rates for their merchant services and get the best rate available to them for the amount of volume that they have. Yet, better available rates are often left unclaimed by many hospitals.
2. Transparency
Many invoices that come from vendors don’t possess a high degree of transparency. With numerous rates and charges, VIE Healthcare has the expertise to dig deep into the data and obtain the rates the hospital is entitled to.
3. Optimization
This point incorporates the human factor. Often, the activity of the people processing the credit cards will determine whether they’ll get the best rate available or not. Something as simple as omitting a zip code or phone number can cause a rate to increase.
In this video, learn more about VIE Healthcare’s approach to creating savings between $50,000-$100,000 on average for our clients.
For a complimentary consultation, call our office today at 1-888-484-3332, Ext 500 or email us at

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