Line Item Details – Conversations With VIE

by | Mar 5, 2020 | Conversations With VIE, Healthcare Contract Management, Videos

This video was brought to you by Lisa Miller and Rich Dormer.

It’s critical that your cost saving, cost-measurement, and validation initiatives are focused on all of your line item details.

We often see in the healthcare industry a very manual and resource-driven approach to invoices, which results in a small snapshot or a few line item details being reviewed when hospitals are developing their cost reduction plans.

This approach leads to substantial amounts of money being left on the table.

Discrepancies of just a few cents in line items can add up and compound to hundreds of thousands of dollars in cost savings for your hospital. Click To Tweet

VIE Healthcare Consulting leaves no stone unturned and has found discrepancies in the most granular of details to achieve substantial cost savings for our clients.

Learn more about the importance of each line item detail, as well as VIE Healthcare’s unique approach in the video above.

For a complimentary consultation, call our office today at 1-888-484-3332, Ext 500 or email us at

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