Life Cycle Management of Purchased Services – Conversations With VIE

by | Oct 2, 2020 | Conversations With VIE, Purchased Services, Videos

This video was brought to you by Rich Dormer.

VIE Healthcare Consulting has been in business since 1999, and we’ve seen the patterns.

Each and every year healthcare organizations develop a cost reduction plan for the following year. But are they as robust as they could be? Click To Tweet

The ideas are usually formulated via contracts that are about to expire and through category spend analysis. At that point they separate out the contract, they know the spend and they begin to benchmark. Some hospitals review invoices, some don’t, but ultimately negotiation occurs and then the contract is executed and put into a contract management system and back into the cycle where it is typically not reviewed until the contract is expired, sometimes two or three years later.

The life cycle management aspect of purchased services is where VIE Healthcare Consulting steps in. With our patented Invoice ROI™ technology, we are able to extract line item details and instantaneously compare it to contracts.

Learn more in the video above on how our innovative approach can help you catch missed details and cost-saving opportunities for your hospital.

For a complimentary consultation, call our office today at 1-888-484-3332, Ext 500 or email us at

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