The Growing Cost of Healthcare: How Better Supply Chain Management Leads to Cost Savings for Hospitals

by | Supply Chain Management, VIE Healthcare Blogs

This article was written by Lisa Miller.

As the cost of healthcare continues its relentless rise, hospitals margins are shrinking.

  • In 2019, the cost of US healthcare rose to $3.8 trillion.
  • Hospital expenses accounted for one third of all spending.
  • One in five hospitals are at risk of closure due to financial pressure.

Better supply chain management leads to major cost savings for your hospital and drives efficiencies in hospital care.

Transforming your supply chain management can reduce your hospital costs by up to 18% without impacting the quality of care. That equates to $11 million dollars every year. Click To Tweet

The future of hospitals lies in data based decision making.

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Invoice ROI™:

  • Automatically reconciles services invoices and contracts.
  • Identifies pricing errors and off contract spend.
  • Provides benchmarks for pricing outsourced services.

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