Deliver Front-Line Innovation With EXCITE! Training Workshops

by | Patient Experience Consulting, VIE Healthcare Blogs

This article was written by Lisa Miller.

Providing a seamless patient experience must be the goal of every healthcare organization. At VIE Healthcare® Consulting, we empower our clients to deliver front-line innovation and transform the patient experience with our exclusive EXCITE! training workshops.

Delivering a seamless patient experience

From the moment a patient first enters your facility, to the time of discharge, every point of contact affects the quality of your care. Improving the patient and family experience requires attention to detail, empathy and innovation.

Our team of experts works closely with hospitals to optimize end-to-end patient contact—from initial ER stays and family visits, to patient discharge, out-patient services and follow-up care.

At VIE Healthcare we partner with our clients to optimize the patient experience and improve patient feedback with three clear and innovative strategies.

  • A holistic patient experience assessment.
  • A roadmap for improvement detailed in our exclusive Patient Journey Mapping™.
  • EXCITE! workshops.

Our exclusive EXCITE! training offers an interactive workshop experience for your team which is guaranteed to realize cost savings and revenue improvement ideas of over $100,000 for your hospital.

EXCITE! training from VIE Healthcare guarantees cost savings and revenue improvement ideas of over $100,000 for your hospital. Click To Tweet

The need for front-line driven innovation

Every hospital needs a strategic plan for innovation. In a disruptive healthcare environment, the hospitals that are willing to be creative in order to improve patient care deliver enhanced patient outcomes.

In my experience, that creativity and insight is already available within your organization.

Your front-line employees are uniquely qualified to identify cost saving opportunities in their daily working environment, but most hospitals don’t realize the potential of this untapped knowledge available to them.

A great example of this is the vital role nursing staff play in enhancing patient care.

At VIE Healthcare, we understand how important it is to create a high performance culture where every employee is trained in the art of cost-containment creativity.

Our unique EXCITE! program enables you to tap into this creativity and innovation already available to you.

Excellence in Creative Ideas within a Team Environment!—EXCITE!

EXCITE! training from VIE Healthcare, delivers front-line driven innovation by:

  • Advising executive leadership teams on best practices in healthcare drawing on our expertise and experience in a variety of healthcare environments.
  • Provides employee education and training to improve customer service in specific hospital departments.
  • Leverages the talent and skills in your organization by tapping into your staff’s creativity and knowledge to deliver effective, sustainable cost reduction initiatives.

Our EXCITE! program trains hospital employees in essential techniques in this vital area.

Our clients can discover savings of up to $1.3 million from employee ideas alone.

EXCITE! trains staff at every level, including:

  • Managers
  • Department specific personnel
  • Organization wide employees
  • Ancillary staff

Our interactive program:

Enables staff to generate powerful ideas and equips them with the tools to rapidly implement cost-savings strategies.

In addition:

  • EXCITE!’s team of expense reduction experts work closely with your employees to identify significant cost saving opportunities.
  • EXCITE! brings out the creativity in your staff.
  • EXCITE! creates a culture that allows the process to continue after the workshop has finished.

Deliver front-line innovation and transform your patient experience with EXCITE! training from VIE Healthcare.

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