Management of
Purchased Services Contracts is
the largest

cost savings opportunity
for hospitals today.

In order to reduce your hospital’s purchased services spend, you must adopt new and innovative practices for cost reduction, which include:

Reconciliation of
your line item
service invoices.

Identification of
cost reduction opportunities through price and cost benchmarking.
Extensive contract reviews for a complete understanding of financial and operational costs.

Data driven analytics and spend
analysis from your invoice details.

It doesn’t matter what system or process you use, if you don’t have automated visibility and access to your purchased services invoice line item details – you are missing cost savings and overspending. 

Your hospital and health systems are overpaying, at minimum, tens of thousands of dollars due to invoice inaccuracy.

Since services are utilized then invoiced—your hospital depends on the purchased services vendor to invoice accurately. Yet, we see that greater than 30% of all purchased services invoices are priced incorrectly from the agreed upon contract terms, are not on contract, or have excessive extra fees added.

This requires someone from your hospital to manually review pages of invoices and hundreds of line items for accuracy and also utilization improvement opportunities. Many of the purchased services invoices do not get thoroughly reviewed with errors and hospitals are overpaying each month.

VIE Healthcare’s Patented Purchased Services Invoice ROI™ Technology is fully automated and reconciles thousands of line item details instantly, saving hospitals unnecessary and significant costs in their purchased services spend caused by: 

Excessive fee charges

Billing errors

Manual processes

Off-contract spend

Not only will you find and save money, your manual process will be eliminated so your team can work on strategic initiatives.

With Invoice ROI™:

You can have a customized database that is based on vendor agreements.

Our technology makes sure line items match contract pricing and identifies overcharged items.

Within minutes, monthly invoices are reconciled.

We can help reduce your purchased service spend:

1.  Automate line item reconciliation of your invoice transactional details to your contract using Invoice ROI™.

2. Identify cost reduction opportunities through price and total cost benchmarking.

3. Conduct extensive contract reviews to fully understand financial and operational costs.

4. Provide you with data driven analytics & historical spend analysis from the invoice details.

5. Assess the performance of services provided to ensure value promised and paid for is being delivered.

In the below video, we show you how Invoice ROI™ was able to help one client who was overcharged 29% and was able to save over $10,000 from just one invoice from one vendor in one month.

What is Invoice ROI™

The Power Of Invoice ROI™

How to work with us
VIE Healthcare's simple 3 step process

Step 1

Schedule a Call

On your initial consultation call, we will want to learn about your goals and how VIE Healthcare® can support you and your team.

Step 2

We Analyze Your Data

The team at VIE Healthcare® will create a customized solution specifically focused on your hospital's needs and the outcomes you want to achieve.

Step 3

You Achieve Rapid Results

VIE Healthcare® will dedicate expertise and resources that support you and your team to become a high performing hospital.

Start our 3 Step Process

Schedule your call today

Schedule your call today.


We engaged VIE Healthcare® to assist us in evaluating and reducing our purchased services spend, a growing segment of our operating expenses. Their patented methodology to compare actual spend to contract spend, using line-item invoice detail, helped us recover hundreds of thousands of dollars related to inaccurate billing. Further, they’ve been responsible for well over a million dollars in savings by partnering with us to evaluate our rates against market rates for services, ultimately leading to re-negotiated terms with our vendors and anticipate I more to come as we continue our work with VIE Healthcare®. This all happened within the first 6 months of the engagement. I couldn’t be more pleased with their approach and results.

– Christine Pearson, Chief Financial Officer, AnMed Health

Discover 15 Effective Cost Savings Strategies That Most Hospitals Can Apply Right Now

Discover 15 Effective Cost Savings Strategies That Most Hospitals Can Apply Right Now

We are making this report FREE for a LIMITED TIME. In it you will learn how to maximize your hospital's profitability while enhancing patient care. The report includes:

  • A strategy developed from analyzing over 5,000 hospitals
  • A simple step-by-step plan in plain language
  • Proven processes to organize and motivate your team to find savings

Check your inbox and spam folder for your 15 Effective Cost Savings Strategies