5 Things to Know About Healthcare Telecommunication Costs

by | Telemedicine Consulting, VIE Healthcare Blogs

Here are a few thoughts on healthcare telecommunication costs which your organization needs visibility into:

1. Just because your telecommunication costs are consistent each month does not guarantee that billing is accurate.

2. Vendors provide details about services, pricing, contract terms and locations via a customer service report. This report may have a different title depending on the vendor. When was the last time your organization analyzed this data?

3. Some states allow hospitals to access telecommunication vendor contracts within their procurement program – does your state?

4. Telecommunication contracts should be reviewed annually, even if mid-term.

Agreements can be renegotiated for newly available lower pricing or service upgrades, prior to the end of the term. Click To Tweet

5. Engaging a telecommunication expense reduction expert will provide insights into all costs and services allowing management to make better decisions about spend and realize significant cost reductions.

VIE Healthcare® is the expert in healthcare telecommunication cost reduction and management. We have spent over 20 years assisting hospitals realize average savings between 25% – 40%, savings that are sustainable!

Over the next few weeks we will provide further insight into each of these five areas.

Join the discussion! We’d love to have you in our Healthcare Telecommunication Professionals LinkedIn group where we share more resources, ideas and strategies related to this critical area in your hospital.

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